Administrative Services

Umbrella has a wealth of information and experience in the child care field as well as extensive expertise in helping volunteers start, operate and manage child care centres. Membership in Umbrella is one way of drawing on the resources and expertise we can offer. It provides numerous benefits for both day care organizations and individuals.


Each year Umbrella hosts a conference. It is attended by child care professionals, parents, board members and volunteers. There are many excellent workshops to choose from as well as a wide variety of exhibitors from the daycare field. The conference provides professional development for childcare providers as well as a great way to network with other professionals in the childcare field and share information and ideas.

Umbrella is an innovative, creative organization created to assist with setting up, administering and offering quality programs for young children through a comprehensive variety of services. We support the early childhood community, which includes parents, professionals and child care providers.

Established in 1978 as a non-profit, charitable corporation, we provide support services to non-profit day care centres, with the aim of increasing the quality, stability and cost efficiency of the day care community.

Managed by a volunteer Board Of Directors, we receive no government funding. Umbrella continues to grow and prosper through the dedication of our hard working staff, and the dedication of our Board of Directors and volunteers. We are a viable operation, providing essential, cost saving administrative services, resources, research, education, and support for the whole day care community.

Together, we share in the caring

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