Become a Member
Umbrella has a wealth of information and experience in the child care field as well as extensive expertise in helping volunteers start, operate and manage child care centres.
Membership in Umbrella is one way of drawing on the resources and expertise we can offer. It provides numerous benefits for both day care organizations and individuals.
- For centres, membership cost reflects the size of your center.
- A full range of benefits are available.
Membership Benefits |
Umbrella's history of flexible service provision means that this list in not meant to be comprehensive
as new services and products are always being developed to meet the members' needs.
Full Members | Individual Members | Non-Members | |
Liability Insurance | YES | no | no |
Benefits Insurance | YES | YES | no |
Market Research | YES | YES | YES |
Salary Survey (if survey is filled in and returned to Umbrella) | FREE | no | $100.00 |
Access to Resource Material | YES | YES | no |
Monthly Newsletter | FREE | FREE | $50.00 |
Annual General Meeting Vote | YES | YES | no |
Referrals | YES | Some | no |
Consultations (Office Services Extra) | By Quotation |